If you withdraw Litecoin to a valid address owned by someone else, the funds will be sent to them, and we cannot offer you a refund. However, if you enter an invalid Litecoin address, the transaction will be automatically cancelled, and the funds returned to your account.
Withdrawing Litecoin Directly from Freecash
If you enter a valid Litecoin address that you do not control, the transaction cannot be undone, and the funds are non-refundable.
If you enter an invalid or incorrectly formatted Litecoin address, the transaction will fail automatically, and the funds will return to your Freecash account.
Withdrawing Litecoin via Stake
The same general rule applies to those withdrawing Litecoin to a Stake account.
If you enter an invalid Stake username, the transaction will fail automatically, and the funds will return to your Freecash balance.
If you enter a valid Stake username belonging to someone else, the transaction cannot be reversed, and the funds are non-refundable.