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How Much Are Freecash Coins Worth? (exchange rate to dollar)
How Much Are Freecash Coins Worth? (exchange rate to dollar)

1000 Freecash Coins are worth $1 USD, or the equivalent to $1 USD in your local currency.

Updated over a week ago

$1 USD is equivalent to 1000 Freecash Coins. In other words, a Freecash Coin is worth $0.001.

Therefore, if you want to withdraw $20 you will need 20,000 Freecash Coins.

How Much Are Freecash Coins Worth Compared to Other Currencies?

To calculate how much Freecash Coins are worth in other currencies, we use the current exchange rate from USD to the other currency.

For example, if the current exchange rate between USD to GPB is 1.2, then £1 is equivalent to 1200 Freecash Coins.

Viewing Freecash Balance in Your Local Currency

If you would like to see how much your funds are worth in your local currency, rather than in Freecash points, you can change your account settings:

  1. Go to your Freecash profile by clicking on your avatar (in the top-right on desktop and top-left on mobile).

  2. Select Settings in the top-right corner.

  3. Slide the toggle "Show [your local currency]", which you can see here:

Local Currency Freecash
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